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Teachero Ally
Coming Soon

Teachero Ally strives to support positive connections between children, families, and communities who are different in one way or another. (income level, race/ethnicity, religion and disability.)  By identifying and connecting kids and families with differences through the Teachero Mentorship Program the participants receive a deeper understanding of individual, family, and community differences.  This difference creates a Teachero Ally which can be used by Preps to access free sessions (if below 400% FPL) and allows Mentors to give their time without reimbursement to earn hour credits for volunteer hours.


The Teachero App allows for voluntary self identification of income level above or below 400% of the federal poverty level ($111,000 for a family of 4 in 2022) for those seeking a Teachero Ally.  When this connection occurs with intent a Teachero Ally is formed and families below the line will be able to access free or discounted sessions from a Teachero Mentor whose family is above 400% of the federal poverty level. The Teachero Mentor will be rewarded with community volunteer hours for Teachero Ally sports, tutoring, and arts skills sharing sessions.

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The existence of a Race/Ethnicity difference can be identified in the Teachero App for those seeking a Teachero mentorship connection with someone with a different race/ethnicity background.  When this connection occurs with intent a Teachero Ally is formed. The categories include White, Hispanic or Latino, Black or African American, Native American or American Indian, Asian / Pacific Islander, Other.

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Religious differences can be identified in the Teachero App for those seeking a Teachero mentorship connection with someone with a different Religion.  When this connection occurs with intent a Teachero Ally is formed. The categories include Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hinduism/Buddhism/Sikhism, Other

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The existence of a Disability can be identified in the Teachero App for those seeking a Teachero mentorship connection when one participant has a disability.  When this connection occurs with intent a Teachero Ally is formed.

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