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The Teachero Mentorship Doctrine is a set of individual and community principles that promote positive behaviors in children, teenagers, families, and communities.

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smile to others, compliment others on good behaviors and actions, help others when needed


tell the truth, be genuine and open, follow a set of principles, believe what actually happened


model high ideals of ethics and sportsmanship, teach, advocate, and model the importance of honor and good character by doing the right thing

Hard Work

give 100% effort in everything you do, practice sports skills outside of organized practices, attend teacher office hours, complete homework on time, and do extra credit

College Readiness

do more reading, writing, and arithmetic, write down a reasonable college success plan and follow it, have a unique talent or skill that you are passionate about

Personal Conduct

refrain from profanity, disrespectful conduct, and the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products


be present and aware of your surroundings, be aware of the safety of your environment, yourself, and the ones around you.



eat healthy food, exercise for life, relax and stretch, enjoy sleep, avoid addictions, be social



protect the earth, recycle everything, use renewable energy, walk, skateboard, and bicycle more.


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Teachero Mentorship Doctrine

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